Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Statement From Edgar Romney, Executive Vice President of UNITE HERE, Secretary-Treasurer, Change to Win

WASHINGTON, Feb. 9 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- This afternoon I moved a resolution seeking the General Executive Board's support for a negotiated and responsible termination of the merger. I, along with the 23 other Vice Presidents who voted in favor of this resolution, did not arrive at this vote lightly. I worked hard to hold this union together, in the One Union Committee, and in daily work. But our union is broken and our merger has failed in its mission to organize large numbers of workers to build power for working people. Today, I listened as Vice Presidents passionately explained what the deep divisions within the union are doing to our ability to represent members and meet the challenges we face.

(Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070817/CLF013LOGO)

I am deeply saddened that of the 39 votes against the resolution, only 2 felt it important enough to speak to their reasons or engage in the discussion about the most important issue facing our union -- our future. It is yet another sign that they are uninterested in seeking middle ground and that reconciliation is not possible. And it is another sign that, declarations of respect for the minority aside, the Wilhelm faction believes it can simply party-line vote one side of our merged union into powerlessness.


Without regard to any legal rights we may have, it is clear that the course that is in the best interest of our members is a consensual termination of the merger of UNITE and HERE. With a full reservation of legal rights, I move as follows:

1. that the GEB support an immediate termination of the merger agreement;

2. that the GEB urge all officers, staff, and members to take all necessary steps to implement a mutually satisfactory termination of the merger;

3. that the Presidents and such additional officers as they designate should meet and report back to the GEB within 10 days on a mediation and arbitration process to accomplish an end to the merger which protects the rights of all members and affiliates;

4. that if the Presidents are unable to agree upon an agreement of termination, that the issues relevant to termination be submitted to an arbitration process for final and binding arbitration.

In support of this motion I offer a resolution signed by 23 leaders of our union.


Edgar Romney is a union leader who came up from the shop floor of the former ILGWU. As a former member and a union leader who participated in the merger between ILGWU and ACTWU (which created UNITE), Edgar has a first-hand understanding of union mergers.

Edgar Romney bio:
