Friday, February 20, 2009

Detroit Branch NAACP President, Rev. Dr. Wendell Anthony, Gives One-Half Acceptance for One-Half of an Apology from the New York Post

NEW YORK, Feb. 20 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- After several hundred demonstrated in front of the New York Post on Thursday, February 19 the New York Post has issued one half of an apology for the editorial cartoon it ran which depicted President Barack Obama as a chimpanzee. The New York Post says it apologizes to those who may have been offended by the editorial cartoon at the same time the Post indicated it does not apologize to other leaders in the community with whom it has had previous issues.

Rev. Anthony says:

This is one-half an apology. Therefore, we give it one-half of an acceptance. It is important that the New York Post acknowledge and apologize for the very racist and divisive cartoons it ran in its publication. Our nation stands at a cross road. We can either go forward together or backwards individually and continue to take the low road forever.

The New York Post, while issuing an apology, must also continue to direct its writers and cartoonist, not in a way to censor the free press, but in a way that does not demean or denigrate the rest of us. This most recent incident by the New York Post is proof that racism is not dead. Insensitivity must still be called out and all people who believe in fairness must speak up and speak out whenever this evil dragon raises its head within our community.

At this time of historic momentum in our nation of both unity and the potential for unlimited progress we must all remember the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who said, "An injustice to anyone anywhere is an injustice to everyone everywhere." We will continue to struggle and work for justice throughout this nation. The Detroit Branch NAACP stands with the National NAACP in its quest to bring justice to this most unfortunate situation regarding this latest publication in the New York Post.

