Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Media Malpractice Documentary to Premiere at National Press Club February 26th

The Hard Hitting Documentary Exposes Unprecedented Mainstream Media Bias in the 2008 Presidential Election

LOS ANGELES, Feb. 24 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- A new feature-length documentary provides the most compelling and comprehensive portrait yet of the unprecedented mainstream media bias and abdication of duty that took place during the 2008 presidential election. The movie, entitled Media Malpractice: How Obama Got Elected and Palin Was Targeted provides a contextual and chronological investigation through the examination of actual media broadcasts from all major news and cable networks.

"This movie shows as clearly as possible that journalism is dead", said John Ziegler, the writer and producer of Media Malpractice. "The level of detail in this production is staggering and it will remind millions of Americans that they were not presented a fair and honest portrait of the 2008 election because the media wanted Obama to win and they did everything in their power to see that Obama got elected."

The movie also includes additional features that have received significant national attention: Election-day interviews with Obama voters gauging their basic knowledge, and the first exclusive on-the-record interview granted by Governor Sarah Palin from her home in Wasilla, AK. This interview detailed her experiences on the campaign, as well as her candid responses - in real time - of several shocking media excerpts from the campaign not previously seen by the Alaska Governor.

In a wide-ranging interview lasting approximately one hour, Media Malpractice captures Gov. Palin's personal reactions to her treatment by the media, including this observation: "What is it that drives someone to believe the worst and perpetuate the worst in terms of gossip and lies?"

At a time when the definitions of "media" are changing, and that the rise of online blogs and the further development of cable news coverage has created a literal 24-7 cycle, Media Malpractice asks important questions about whether Americans have any reason to trust the news media.

"As much as anything else, people need to be concerned that they are being manipulated and misled by the one institution we need to present us the facts and the truth" said Ziegler. "We are all at risk when the media choose sides in something as serious as a presidential election and destroy good people like Sarah Palin because they did not favor her politics."

Media Malpractice filmmaker John Ziegler will discuss and screen his film at a private media event at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. on February 26. The details are as follows:

    Date:       February 26, 2009
    Time:       6:30 pm
    Location:   National Press Club
                529 14th St. NW, 13th Floor
                Washington, DC 20045
    Program:    Ziegler introduces and then screens the film
                Reception to follow

Seating will be limited so please RSVP to For more information on the film, please visit
