Tuesday, February 17, 2009

InvestorsInsight Publishing Releases Position Paper: 'A Case For Investing In China'

Launches 'GEM Blog,' an Expanded Coverage of Economies, Technologies and Companies in Global Emerging Markets

DALLAS, Feb. 16 /PRNewswire/ -- InvestorsInsight Publishing, Inc., www.investorsinsight.com, a financial publishing company that delivers an array of unique economic, financial and investment intelligence to one of the largest communities of highly informed investors on the Internet, announced today that it has released a position paper, detailing the investment climate, opportunities and imperatives for investors interested in Chinese companies that have listed their shares in US capital markets. This paper is the first report in InvestorsInsight's expanded coverage of the economies, technologies and companies in Global Emerging Markets (GEMs) to offer individual and institutional investors in-depth analysis of the market inequalities that could generate superior returns from the China equities space.

Mike Casson, President and CEO of InvestorsInsight stated, "It is impossible to ignore the economic growth phenomenon that has unfolded in China over the past three decades. The cradle of one of the oldest civilizations on earth is home to the fastest growing major economy the world has ever seen. While the rest of us come to grips with the new realities of a global financial crisis, China is transitioning into its next phase of growth. With almost US$2 trillion in cash, a population that is unconstrained by debt, a closed banking system that is not struggling with deleveraging or illiquidity and a government that has adopted a 'Growth Above All Else' policy, Chinese companies are uniquely positioned to grow faster than their Western counterparts. There is clear indication that this is a resurgent market with enormous potential and long-term investment opportunity."

InvestorsInsight Publishing is pleased to distribute this important position paper, authored by Beau Johnson, Chairman of Chinamerica Holdings, LLC, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor and General Partner of Chinamerica Fund, LP and Haiping Ni, Director of Asian Investment for Access America Global Equities; both accomplished pioneers in Chinese Alternative Public Offerings (APOs). This detailed report entitled "A Case For Investing In China: Rising Productivity, Higher Valuations and Strategic Imperatives for Investors" is available Free of Charge to interested parties at http://www.investorsinsight.com/Special-Report/.

Mr. Casson went on to say, "We launched our new GEM Blog with this in-depth discussion of China-based investment opportunities because we believe the next phase of China's economic evolution will feature a long-term stock market boom and revaluation, as well as a financing boom -- major forces that will allow China to shift to a new strategic regime of economic expansion, featuring higher productivity, economic output, employment, domestic as well as foreign investment and wages that can only drive domestic consumption even higher in the world's largest consumer market. Strong dynamics are in place to power the next boom in Chinese equities and with the capital and determination to sustain aggressive growth, China could lead the way to a much needed international recovery."

About InvestorsInsight Publishing, Inc.

InvestorsInsight Publishing is a boutique financial publisher that delivers unique economic, financial and investment intelligence to an on-line community of highly informed individual and institutional investors. Our no-nonsense approach to presenting solutions for today's turbulent markets provides the fresh perspectives required to make sound, informed investment decisions. For more information visit: www.investorsinsight.com

About InvestorsInsight's GEM

InvestorsInsight's GEM (Global Emerging Markets Investor Group) brings to interested investors exceptional market intelligence on emerging economies, technologies and special situational investment opportunities all in one place. Brazil, Mexico, India, Russia and China are among the largest countries still considered to be in a transitional phase between developing and developed status. And there are numerous secondary emerging markets throughout Latin America, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Their business, financial and social processes are in the process of rapid transformation which can create unique investment opportunities.

The Global Emerging Markets Investor Group expanded the term "Emerging" to also include innovative industries, companies and technological developments such as renewable and alternative energy, nano-tech, bio-materials, robotics, life sciences and other potential high growth-high return investment situations that the publisher believes to be of significant interest to its readers and website visitors.

    Anita Mills