Monday, February 16, 2009

A Nudist for All Seasons ... or ... He Travels REALLY Light!

SARASOTA, Fla., Feb. 16 /PRNewswire/ -- HALLELUIAH! There IS entertainment after football season! "I'll Catch the Sun" captures the delightful, worldwide adventures of author, and former Englishman, Richard Langdon Cook, a retired Fortune 500 business Exec ... and practicing nudist. (The author will wear clothing to your sunless studio.)

Mr. Cook brings sunshine to the bleak and dreary winter days, and will amuse with what he has to say about the "Textiles" ... those strange people who wear clothes ...

"I'll Catch the Sun" was published by AUDIE-nominated (for best Original Work, 2009) CoolBeat Audiobooks. Author Cook, who had a stint doing voice-over work in NYC, wrote and narrated memoirs of his experiences (sans clothing) as he "limoed" and "rickshawed" around the globe.


STOP SHOVELING THAT SNOW! "I'll Catch the Sun" is a travelog, with Richard visiting many of the great sunspots on the planet: France, South Africa, Cyprus, the Caribbean and Hawaii, to name but a few. The nuns at a certain seaside school still talk about the day businessman Cook "disturbed their peace." A wonderful time was had by the author in Phuket, Thailand, afterwards engulfed by the 2004 Tsunami. Richard wonders if his friend survived the horror.

Listen to (or read) "I'll Catch the Sun" (ISBN: 978-1-4401-0091-8) for the author's thoughts on the hazards of cooking in the nude! Other tidbits? Thoughts on the morality and spirituality of nudism, and, very importantly, what NOT to do in a public bath house in Japan, are informative, but never stuffy.

Richard's adorable wife, Mary, joins her husband on many of his current escapades from their home base in Sarasota, Florida. She adds just the right pizzazz to CoolBeat's audio version, recreating the radio interview that divulged her 'first-time' disrobement at a New Jersey nudist retreat. (Where else but Jersey?)

Richard and Mary are standing by -- dressed -- and prepared to do interviews.


CoolBeat Audiobooks, attests that Richard brought his wit AND his shorts with him when he recorded "I'll Catch the Sun," available for download at

CoolBeat Audiobooks -- "We want to give YOU a voice."

Contact the Author:

Richard Cook at

or call Sunny Florida to chat: 941-366-1638

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