Friday, February 13, 2009

Examining the Meaning of the Election: Spiritual Significance of the Obama Presidency

INDIANAPOLIS, Feb. 13 /PRNewswire/ -- The election of Barack Obama as the first African-American president of the United States has interested and excited people throughout the world, and the people most directly affected by Obama's election are other African-Americans. Dr. Tino W. Smith, an African-American minister in Terre Haute, Ind., in his new book, "The Reproach Is Lifted: Barack Obama Presidency" (published by AuthorHouse), explains that the election is not only of political and social significance, but also has spiritual implications.

For Dr. Smith, the Obama presidency ended a period in his life during which the rage within him caused him to stop reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and standing to honor the American flag. Living in a country in which animosity between the races was such a prevalent force in his life caused him great resentment. But on January 20, 2009, when he watched Barack Obama being sworn into office as our nation's first black president, he found his rage being replaced by pride and honor. "I was finally proud to be an American," he writes.

The election of a black president, Dr. Smith proclaims in "The Reproach Is Lifted," carries great spiritual significance for African-Americans. Many black believers felt that the Bible passage appearing in Genesis 9:24-25 meant that the black race was cursed to be servants. Dr. Smith describes that interpretation of the passage as "The curse that never was," and he believes that any doubt that the curse was false was laid to rest by the election of Barack Obama. There is no longer any reason for African-Americans to resign themselves to second-class status or to accept that their only paths to success are sports and entertainment. Now they may aspire to be lawyers, CEOs, or engineers -- "The Reproach Is Lifted."

It was never God's purpose, Dr. Smith declares, for the races to be divided or used to define who we are. Now that the reproach of the black race has been lifted, we can all see the importance of recognizing one another as the offspring of God. According to Dr. Smith, God has used Barack Obama in the natural world so that we can all come together in our spiritual thinking and not be divided by our isms.

About the Author: Dr. Tino W. Smith is the senior pastor of the Greater Kingdom International Ministries, Terre Haute, Ind. He is considered a trailblazer in the field of nonprofit ministries and organizations and has founded a private academy, two day care facilities, and a residential group home. Dr. Smith is the author of four prior books and resides in Westfield, Ind., with his wife, Nicole Smith, and their children, BreAnna and Tino II.

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