Wednesday, February 11, 2009

New click2try Site Offers Better Alternative to Open Source Software Download, Free Trial

HOUSTON, Feb. 11 /PRNewswire/ -- To open new markets for developers and offer business and IT professionals real value, click2try has launched an Open Source software Community Web site that makes it easy to find, try, evaluate and use Open Source software -- for free. Unique in its delivery, click2try bypasses the typical Open Source software download. Free access to Open Source software applications on click2try occurs in a private, virtual environment instead. Pre-configured, fully functional applications are hosted on click2try's servers and run right from a user's desktop. Developers benefit from an expanded user base as more professionals experience the benefits, see the value, and contribute to the growing popularity of Open Source software.

Open Source software listed in click2try catalog

Users access software applications through a searchable, dynamic catalog. More than a simple Open Source software list, the comprehensive click2try catalog contains applications that address key business needs and deliver the most value. The catalog also provides the features and benefits of each application, all pertinent information available, and a wide range of support resources in one convenient location. From the Open Source software listing, users simply "click2try" any application for free.

click2try fosters Community forum, Open Source solutions

"Knowing that the Open Source software Community has developed effective, sophisticated solutions that are comparable to commercial software, we set out to bridge the technical gap between developers and users," says Mario Grech, click2try president. "Through our forum, Open Source developers and business and IT professionals can help each other get the most out of Open Source technology. To enhance that technology for the entire Community, we actively seek developer involvement and offer them the ability to read reviews of their software, gain insight from business users, collaborate with their Open Source colleagues, and suggest new applications to include in our catalog. By investing significant resources in each Open Source software application on our site, click2try ensures a simple and reliable user experience that delivers immediate benefits."

Software as a Service, virtualization, enabling technologies deliver click2try value

Integrating Software as a Service (SaaS) and virtualization with a sophisticated delivery platform, click2try provides an efficient and economical Web-based environment for trying Open Source software applications and eliminates typical software headaches:

  • Hardware purchases
  • Software licenses
  • Tedious software evaluation and selection processes
  • Long downloads
  • Complex installation procedures
  • Risky software integration into user's computer environment
  • Difficult and lengthy transitions from testing to production
  • Disruptive upgrades
  • Lack of support

Temporary or persistent access available for click2try applications

Users interested in accessing click2try applications must first sign up for free at by simply providing an e-mail address. click2try applications can be run:

  • On a temporary basis

Users can effectively try and evaluate any click2try application by receiving access for a limited time. At the end of the trial period, the application expires along with any data created. Until the application is upgraded to a subscription plan with persistence, it can be restarted as often as a user wishes, creating new data each time.

  • On a persistent basis

Users who desire continual access to an application can subscribe to a plan with features that meet their needs. The security, back-up and total availability of any data created will be managed on the click2try site for the duration of the subscription. Starting at $40 per month, subscription plan prices are based on the number of users, number of concurrently running applications, and amount of disk storage needed. Discounts are also offered for three- and six-month subscriptions.

About click2try

click2try is a content-rich, Community-driven Web site for sourcing, testing, evaluating, and hosting existing Open Source software products on pre-configured virtual appliances. With the most comprehensive collection of information on selected Open Source software applications online, click2try is committed to extending the access and the usability of Open Source software to as many people as possible by making it simple, reliable and economical to use. For more information, visit


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