Tuesday, February 17, 2009

GfK Asia Releases 2008 Year End Pan Asian Consumer IT Data Showing Netbooks Embraced by Asian Consumers

SINGAPORE, Feb. 17 /PRNewswire-Asia/ -- GfK Asia releases its 2008 Year End Pan Asian IT Retail Data Summary, showing mixed results in both volume and value in the region's IT sector. GfK Asia's annual report contains detailed data based on retail sales of personal computers (PC), both desktop and portable; monitors, printers, multifunctional devices and video game consoles from twelve Asian countries .

Personal Computers

GfK Asia reports that volumes in the region's retail PC market, including portable personal computers and desktops, expanded by 15% in 2008 when compared to previous year's retail sales figures. The total value of the consumer retail PC market for 2008 in Asia was approximately USD 17 billion which represents a 10% increase in consumer spend over 2007 figures. The report also shows that while China continues to hold the largest portion of the total Asian PC retail market, with almost USD 8.8 billion dollars in sales in 2008, this market leader posted among the lowest in growth figures with only 9% in volume and 10% in value growth against 2007 consumer sales. Australia, Korea, Singapore and Vietnam showed the strongest growth figures for the year. All four countries posted an increase of over 30% in retail sell through volumes along with double digit growth in value when compared to 2007 retail data.

"Our figures show that retail sales of PCs were moving in the right direction until Q3, where we saw a slight slowing in the retail market. But the real slow down to the Asian PC growth figures took place in Q4 of 2008. For instance, of the 12 countries covered in this summary, every single one posted a decline in sales revenues for the month of December when compared against the same time period in 2007 and over half of them reported a double digit loss," noted Gerard Tan, Commercial Director IT, GfK Asia. "Although the December results were not encouraging, markets like Indonesia were recording +17% retail notebooks sales in value against the same time period in 2007." he added.

Desktop computers did not suffer a substantial dip contrary to what many would have expected in the region's retail sector in 2008. Desktop retail figures across Asia saw volumes falling by only 1% and in value by 5% against 2007. Additionally, the desktop's value faired much better than their notebook counterparts, eroding by only 3.4% versus the notebooks decline of 12.5%. Personal portable computers, including notebooks, laptops and netbooks, showed a dramatic growth of 45% in retail sales volume across Asia when compared to 2007. Over 10.5 million units were purchased in 2008, which is a massive increase from the 7.3 million units purchased in the previous year. Notebooks, unlike most other product segments covered in the report, were also able to hold onto their value with Asian consumers paying almost USD 9.5 billion for portable computers in 2008.

"The outstanding growth in this sector is consistent throughout the 12 countries covered in our report, we feel that one of the reasons this sector showed such exciting growth is due to the emergence of the netbook. Depending on the country, Asian consumers showed their enthusiasm for these new lighter, less expensive, more portable computers at the cash registers in 2008," Added Mr. Tan.

In Hong Kong, netbooks made up 21% of total notebook retail purchases in 2008. For the month of December alone, netbook sales in Australia, Korea and Thailand showed on average 20% total volume shares of the notebook market, whereas Taiwan consumers posted the highest uptake at 30% market share of total notebook purchases. Netbooks in India and China are not yet showing up on the radar as they currently make up only 3% and 1% respectively of the total notebook retail market. "One reason for the smaller shares of netbooks in markets like India and China is that these markets are showing a double digit price erosion in the standard form factor notebooks in 2008, against 2007; making them much more attractive to the price conscious buying public," added Mr. Tan.

Stand-Alone Monitors

2008 regional retail sales of stand alone monitors from the 11 countries covered in this report held their volume sales against 2007 retail figures with a 1% increase in total units sold. However, the total values of the stand alone monitor market throughout Asia dipped slightly by 3% percent. In total, Asian consumers spent over USD 730 million on stand alone monitors purchasing almost 3.4 million units over the year.

"More mature markets in Asia showed strong growth in volume sales for wide screen monitors, with increases in volumes from 71% growth in Singapore, 56% in Australia and 25% in Hong Kong against 2007 figures. The main surprise is that volume increases of this magnitude generally correspond with deep price erosion, however, the average price in these markets was still very healthy, with Singapore only losing 3% and Hong Kong only 2 % in total value in 2008 when compared to the previous year, "stated Mr. Tan.

However, for monitors overall, more developed markets posted double digit losses in unit sales when compared to the previous year, while emerging markets showed double digit increases in retail growth figure of stand alone monitors. Malaysia (val 39%), Thailand (val 15%) and Indonesia (val 36%) are all posted volume growth at 30% and above. Whereas markets like Hong Kong (vol -24%/ val -20), China, (vol-12%/ val -12%) and Singapore (vol -11%/ val -8%) decreased in both volume and value.

Printers and Multi Functional Devices

GfK Asia data shows the region's overall retail printer market continued its descent with only Vietnam (39%) and Korea (22%) showing excellent volume growth in this product sector. The newer entrant into the Asian retail market, the multi functional Device, still showed growth (vol 12%/val 3%) over the year. Australian consumers showed the strongest preference for multi functional devices in 2008, choosing them by a 3 to 1 ratio over single function printers.

Even with an 8% decrease in units sold year on year, the printer market has retained its value, only dropping 4% across Asia. In fact, Hong Kong (vol -4%/val +4%) and Malaysia (vol 0%/val 6%) reported an overall growth in sales value in 2008, whilst selling fewer units then during 2007.

On the other hand, prices of multifunctional devices continued to drop across Asia. All countries reported increases in volumes but at a lower average cost per unit in 2008 in comparison to 2007 sales figures. New Zealand (vol 4%/val -15%), Australia (vol 7%/val -7%) and Singapore (vol 3%/val -3%) reported a decrease in sales value as compared to previous year.

"This year we have seen the multifunctional device close in on the traditional single function printer, with Asian consumers having purchased approximately 4.4 million printers and just over 4.3 multi functional devices. We expect the multifunctional printer to surpass the single function printer both in terms of volume and value in 2009," added Mr. Tan.

About GfK Asia Pte Ltd

GfK Asia Pte Ltd (GfK Asia), part of the global GfK Group, is a leading research company with over 15 years experience in providing reliable Asian retail and technology market data. Our analysts track a broad range of consumer technology markets, including: consumer electronics, telecommunications, IT, household electrical appliances (large and small) as well as digital imaging. GfK Asia covers 55 product groups and over 300,000 models, collecting monthly data from over 6,000 specialist / independent shops as well as over 170 organized retailers with approximately 15,000 outlets. This disciplined methodology, together with tight field operational control in every country, allows GfK Asia to produce high quality reports containing reliable information that our clients can use with confidence. Based in Singapore, with other offices in India and Japan, GfK Asia offers extensive coverage of the following countries: China, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Australia and New Zealand. For further information please visit our website: http://www.gfkrt.com .

    Notes to Editor:

    *GfK Asia countries surveyed are China, Hong Kong, Taiwan,
     Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Korea, India,
     New Zealand and Australia.

    Survey data available upon request.

    Media Contact:

     Lisa Williamson
     Bryant Williamson Communications
     Tel:   +65-9100-4097
     Email: lisa@bryantwilliamson.com