Saturday, February 28, 2009

For Florida Nonprofits: Free Fundraising Consulting Hotline

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., Feb. 28 /PRNewswire/ -- Totally free, personalized fundraising consulting is now available for all Florida nonprofits 24/7 at

"Florida nonprofit fundraisers may ask anything they want - like How can I find donors? or How can I get my board to give more and to ask others to give? It's absolutely one-on-one attention. They won't be getting boilerplate answers," says Dr. Stephen L. Goldstein, creator of the hotline and president of The Nonprofit Institute, Educational Marketing Services in Fort Lauderdale.

"Nonprofits always have a hard time raising money. But many are really struggling in today's bad economy, especially in Florida. They need immediate professional advice tailored to their specific needs. But most nonprofits cannot afford to hire an expert to give them quick answers to their pressing questions. So, gives them personal access to an experienced professional to be their sounding-board to increase their fundraising success," Goldstein adds.

That's what's so unique about the hotline. It's quick, efficient, direct --and free, of course. Getting answers from the hotline is simple. Go to, fill out the short user form, ask a question, then send it to Dr. Goldstein. There is absolutely no cost or obligation. Every question is answered personally and within 24 hours.

Columnist, author, consultant, TV and radio personality, and workshop leader - Dr. Stephen L. Goldstein is a nationally recognized marketing, communications, and fundraising executive, as well as a trends analyst and forecaster. For more than 30 years, he has developed strategies for nonprofit success.

Dr. Goldstein is now the co-producer and host of "The Forum for Nonprofits," which airs on WNN & WSBR and may be heard 24/7 at He was the producer and host of "Fundraising Success," a weekly radio program on WXEL, 90.7FM/National Public Radio and still available at any time from anywhere in the world at

Dr. Goldstein's "Fundraising Guru" columns have appeared in The South Florida Sun-Sentinel and have been a regular feature of the Scripps papers on Florida's Treasure Coast. He is the author of the bestseller, 30 Days to Successful Fundraising.

Goldstein is also the developer of "Fundraising Briefing Books," the basis for the workshops and tailored consulting programs he offers nationwide.

    Media contact:
    Stephen Goldstern


Friday, February 27, 2009

Grupo Casa Saba Announces 4Q08 Earnings Results

MEXICO CITY, Feb. 27 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Grupo Casa Saba ("Saba," "GCS," "the Company" or "the Group") (NYSE: SAB), one of the leading Mexican distributors of pharmaceutical products, beauty aids, personal care and consumer goods, general merchandise, publications and other products, announces its consolidated financial and operating results for the fourth quarter of 2008.

Financial Highlights:

(All December 2007 figures are expressed in millions of Mexican pesos as of December 31, 2007, while the figures for December 2008 are expressed in millions of current Mexican pesos. Comparisons are made with the same period of 2007, unless otherwise stated. Figures may vary due to rounding practices. "b.p." stands for basis points).

    -- Sales for the quarter totaled $7,807.03 million
    -- Gross income increased 17.86%
    -- Gross margin for the quarter was 12.21%
    -- Quarterly operating expenses as a percentage of sales were 7.80%
    -- The operating margin for the quarter was 4.41%
    -- Net profit for the quarter reached $222.79 million
    -- Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the quarter was $524.21 million

                              QUARTERLY EARNINGS


During the fourth quarter, GCS's sales were $7,807.03 million, an increase of 7.91%.

Sales for our Private Pharma division rose 8.46% during the fourth quarter of 2008, as a result of the consolidation of investments made within the sector, including the most recent acquisition of Drogasmil Medicamento e Perfumeria, S.A.(1), a Brazilian pharmacy chain.

Sales in our Health, Beauty, Consumer Goods, General Merchandise and Other division increased 14.77% compared to the fourth quarter of 2007. This growth was due to commercial agreements that enabled us to increase promotions and discounts which, in turn, increased our sales.

Sales in our Government Pharma division rose 30.37% due to an increase in sales to Petroleos Mexicanos (PEMEX), as well as the Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado ("ISSSTE"), or the Mexican Social Security and Service Institute for Government Employees.

Publication sales decreased 45.02%, primarily as a result of lower unit sales. This decrease was due to the fact that Citem stopped distributing some publications that did not meet our minimal profitability requirements.

The sales mix did not change significantly this quarter. Private Pharma sales represented 85.74% of total sales (compared to 85.30% during the fourth quarter of 2007), while Government Pharma accounted for 4.08% (versus 3.37% during the fourth quarter of 2007). Health, Beauty, Consumer Goods, General Merchandise and Other represented 8.47% (compared to 7.97% in the fourth quarter of 2007) and Publications made up the remaining 1.71% (versus 3.36% during the fourth quarter of 2007).



Sales in our Private Pharma division rose 8.46% during the fourth quarter of 2008, as a result of the consolidation of investments that were made within the sector. This includes the most recent acquisition of Drogasmil Medicamento e Perfumeria, S.A. a Brazilian pharmacy chain.

Sales reached $6,693.86 million and represented 85.74% of the Group's total sales.


Sales in our Government Pharma division grew 30.37% due to an increase in sales to PEMEX as well as the Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado ("ISSSTE"). Government Pharma sales reached $318.16 million during 4Q08 and accounted for 4.08% of our total sales.


Sales in our Health, Beauty, Consumer Goods, General Merchandise and Other division reached $661.54 million, an increase of 14.77% versus the fourth quarter of 2007. This was due to commercial agreements that enabled us to increase promotions and discounts which, in turn, increased our sales.

As a percentage of total sales, this division went from representing 7.97% in 4Q07 to 8.47% during the fourth quarter of 2008.


Publication sales decreased 45.02% during the quarter, primarily as a result of lower unit sales. This decrease was mainly due to the fact that Citem stopped distributing some publications that no longer met our minimal profitability requirements.

This division's participation as a percentage of total sales went from 3.36% in 4Q07 to 1.71% in the fourth quarter of 2008.


During the fourth quarter of the year, Grupo Casa Saba's gross income increased 17.86% to reach $953.38 million. The company's gross margin improved as a result of the recent investments, to 12.21% compared to 11.18% during 4Q07.


Operating expenses reached $608.78 million, an increase of 50.94% compared to the fourth quarter of 2007. This was due to the investments that were made over the past months. Operating expenses represented 7.80% of our total sales.


As a result of the increase in operating expenses, operating income declined 15.04%, to reach $344.59 million. The operating margin was 4.41%, 120 b.p. lower than the 5.61% margin registered in the fourth quarter of 2007.


Operating income plus depreciation and amortization for 4Q08 was $374.30 million, a decrease of 12.23% compared to the fourth quarter of 2007. Depreciation and amortization for the period was $29.71 million, 42.50% higher than in the fourth quarter of 2007.


Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the fourth quarter of 2008 was $524.21 million.


During the fourth quarter of 2008, GCS's comprehensive cost of financing (CCF) was $69.35 million, due primarily due to an increase in the amount of interest income paid.

The interest payments were related to the long-term credit that was obtained as a result of our most recent acquisition in Brazil, as well as the interest that was generated from the utilization of short-term credits for our operations in Mexico and Brazil.


During the fourth quarter of 2008, the Company registered an income of $31.55 million in other expenses (income). The expenses (income) from this line item were derived from activities that are distinct from the company's everyday business operations.


During the fourth quarter, tax provisions were $84.01 million. These provisions included $77.30 million for income tax and $6.7 million for deferred income tax.


GCS's net income for the fourth quarter was $222.79 million, a decrease of 39.34% compared to the fourth quarter of 2007. This decrease was primarily due to a higher comprehensive cost of financing (CCF).

The net margin for the period was 2.85%, lower than the 5.08% net margin obtained during the fourth quarter of 2007.


During the fourth quarter of 2008, our accounts receivable days were 61.9, compared to 56.5 days during the fourth quarter of 2007. In addition, our accounts payable days increased by 6.9 days compared to 4Q07, to reach 66.1 days. Finally, our inventory days were 67.4 days, 0.8 fewer days than in 4Q07.

(1) The acquisition took place on May 15, 2008.


Xinhua Finance Limited (TSE: 9399) Reports Its Results for the Year Ended December 31, 2008

SHANGHAI, Feb. 26 /PRNewswire-Asia-FirstCall/ -- Xinhua Finance Limited ("XFL", or "the Company", TSE Mothers: 9399; OTC: XHFNY), China's premier financial information service provider, today reported consolidated revenue for the year ended December 31, 2008, under International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"), of US$279.4 million, an 8% increase over 2007. EBITDA was negative US$457.3 million and net loss was US$341.7 million. Proforma EBITDA, adjusted to exclude non-cash ESOP expenses and one-time items, was US$50.3 million versus US$52.0 million in 2007. Adjusting for the divestiture or discontinuation of certain businesses in 2008 and 2007, revenue from continuing operations increased 24%, from US$24.7 million in 2007 to US$30.6 million in 2008.


Due mainly to the worsening economic environment, which has a direct impact on the Company's assessment of intangible asset values, in addition to the Company's restructuring, the Company recorded provisions for intangible asset impairment totaling US$321.2 million. The Company also recorded a write- down of US$81.5 million related to its investment in Xinhua Finance Media Limited ("XFMedia") (1), due to the decline in XFMedia's asset value. Beginning December 31, 2008, XFMedia is no longer consolidated into the Company's accounts and XFMedia is accounted for as an associated company.

Primarily due to the aforementioned impairments, the Company generated a net loss for the year of US$341.7 million. On a proforma basis, after excluding non-cash and one-time items, proforma net income was US$2.9 million compared to US$1.8 million in 2007. Proforma results are provided by the Company to help investors better understand underlying operating and financial trends.

During the past several months, the Company continued to divest out of non core assets and reduce costs. Following the disposal of its Mergent and Kinetic subsidiaries in July 2008, the Company sold certain assets of the G7 Group and Taylor Rafferty, its joint alliance interest in Xinhua PR Newswire, and its US-based subsidiaries Washington Analysis and Market News International. On December 31, 2008, XFL converted its class B shareholding in XFMedia to class A shares, thereby relinquishing its control of XFMedia and allowing for its deconsolidation.

XFL CEO Mr. Jae Lie said, "The sale and divestiture of non core assets has allowed us to generate funds to redeem bonds, which will give us greater flexibility. This is also in line with our overall strategy to streamline and focus on our core competency, which is the provision of proprietary and value- added information and services of China's financial markets. The deconsolidation of XFMedia is in line with this strategy and improves transparency and provides a clearer picture of the underlying businesses as well as reduces reporting costs. In 2009, we will continue to focus on our core businesses of Indices, Ratings and Solutions and pursue strategies that will improve shareholder value."

Earlier in the month, the Company announced a tender offer for the redemption of approximately US$42 million of its 10% Senior Guaranteed Notes due 2011 (the "Notes"). This follows the redemption of around US$49 million of the Notes in September 2008.

XFL CFO Mr. David Wang said, "Upon the successful completion of the tender offer, we will have redeemed US$90 million of the Notes, leaving US$10 million outstanding. For 2009 we will continue cutting costs and improving operational efficiencies."

    (1) XFMedia changed its name to Xinhua Sports and Entertainment Limited
        on February 15, 2009.

    2008 vs. 2007 (IFRS) -- unit: USD million

                                            2008        2007    Variance
    Revenue                                279.4       257.7        8%
    Proforma EBITDA (1)                     50.3        52.0       -3%
    EBITDA                                (457.3)       39.0        NA
    Proforma Net Income (2)                  2.9         1.8       55%
    Net Income                            (341.7)       56.5        NA

    Continuing Operations (3)
    2008 vs. 2007 (IFRS) -- unit: USD million

                                             2008        2007    Variance
    Revenue                                  30.6        24.7       24%

    (1) Proforma EBITDA is EBITDA excluding non-cash share-based compensation
        expense and excluding one time items.
    (2) Proforma Net Income is calculated by taking net income and excluding
        non cash share-based compensation expenses, one time non recurrent
        items, amortization arising from acquisitions and non-cash imputed
    (3) Due to changes in the composition of our business as a result of the
        divestiture or discontinuation of certain subsidiaries, we also
        present results from continuing operations.

    A. We define EBITDA in relation to our IFRS financial statements as
       profit or loss before interest expense, tax, depreciation and

About Xinhua Finance Limited

Xinhua Finance Limited ("XFL") is China's premier financial information service provider and is listed on the Mothers Board of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (symbol: 9399) (OTC ADRs: XHFNY). Founded in November 1999, XFL is headquartered in Shanghai.

For more information, please visit .

This is a press release to the public and should not be relied on as information to make an investment decision by any investor. Investors should read the Company's Securities Report filed to the Tokyo Stock Exchange and consider the risk factors together with other information contained therein when making an investment decision. This press release contains some forward- looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. A number of factors could cause actual results, performance, achievements of the Company or industries in which it operates to differ materially from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements.

    More Information:

     IR Contact
     Xinhua Finance
     Hong Kong
     Mr. Charles Lau
     Tel:   +852-3196-3779


CR Annual Auto Issue: Best Values, Top Picks and More

YONKERS, N.Y., Feb. 26 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Welcome to Consumer Reports' Annual Auto Issue. More than ever, consumers need good deals. The issue provides information about which cars give you the most bang for your buck, how to get a good deal on a late-model used car, how you can keep your current car running and save hundreds on auto service, manufacturer report cards, and new and surprising Top Picks. (Articles in Spanish are available at



Consumers can save hundreds on auto maintenance by comparison shopping and calling several dealerships and independent shops, according to a new analysis from Consumer Reports. CR's experts called dozens of dealers and repair shops throughout the country to get quotes for regular maintenance service on three popular models. CR found that dealers often wanted to charge for extra work that the automaker doesn't require when they compared the service items included in quotes with the maintenance lists in the owner's manuals. They also found that quotes from independent shops that included all the items in the manual were sometimes $150 below the cheapest dealer.

The issue also identifies 5 auto service rip-offs like flushing the transmission and insisting that only dealerships perform maintenance to avoid.


Consumer Reports has named its Top Picks for 2009, which includes two new models -- the Toyota Highlander and the Chevrolet Avalanche, as top choices for midsized SUVs and pickups. Having proven reliable in its first year since a major redesign, the top-rated Toyota Highlander dethroned the Hyundai Santa Fe, last year's winner in the midsized SUVs category, while the improved reliability of the new Chevrolet Avalanche helped it to replace the Chevrolet Silverado as top pickup.


Value-minded consumers know that buying a reliable used car is often the best choice, but that finding one takes research. To help simplify the process, Consumer Reports has identified the most and least reliable used cars for 10 years -- from model years 1999 to 2008. Reliability data was compiled from the magazine's Annual Auto Survey, which generated responses about more than 1.4 million new and used vehicles. Toyota and Honda dominated the majority of the categories, demonstrating consistent reliability and performance, but some recent domestic models are also worthy choices. The report also features a list of "Used Cars to Avoid" and the "Worst of the Worst," which names vehicles with multiple years of much-worse-than average reliability.


Thursday, February 26, 2009

National Hispanic Blog Pioneer Sets Up Austin Portal to Report on Latino Leadership in Community, Business and Education

AUSTIN, Texas, Feb. 26 /PRNewswire/ -- Juan G. Tornoe, a pioneer in the Latino blogosphere and founder of the number one rated news site, has honed in on Austin as the site of his newest blog venture.

Tornoe, an Austinite who was one of the first Latino bloggers to interview President Obama before his presidency, has launched the blog Hispanics in Austin found online at (copy and paste link in browser). Tornoe's blog will cover the latest happenings in Austin regarding Latino education, politics, culture, economics, media, and community through Tornoe's original news and analysis, as well as from a select base of contributors.

"The idea is to make this new site Hispanics in Austin a community effort so people hear a wide array of voices and can truly get a sense what's going on in Austin's Latinosphere," said Tornoe. "This isn't just a site just for Hispanics but rather for anyone who wants to become more informed about the trends and events happening in the Austin Latino community and how this impacts businesses, educators, and organizations in the region."

Among the features highlighted on Hispanics in Austin is a growing list of Latino organizations, charities, and companies as well as community postings about the latest Austin Hispanic news, events, and public issues. The site also publishes Spanish content.

"I see such enormous potential for Austin to lead the country as an innovator because of its rich Latino prowess and progress," said Tornoe. "Hopefully, this site will help harness some of that intellectual power and community resolve and put it into perspective locally as well as nationally."

For those who want to meet Tornoe in person, he will be a featured speaker at the upcoming RISE conference on March 4 from 4-5:30 p.m. at the Mexican American Cultural Center. To register to attend Tornoe's session, go to (copy and paste link in browser).

"We're very excited to have Juan's skills and talent focused on Austin and helping to take Austin's global competitive advantage -- its growing pool of bilingual educated employees and leaders -- to a much larger scale on the Internet," said Sylvia Acevedo, founder and CEO of CommuniCard, LLC. "With Juan's reputation and proven abilities, he'll help pave the way for an emerging Latino blogosphere in Austin that impacts communities everywhere."


Juan G. Tornoe founded in 2004 originally as a Hispanic marketing community forum. Over the years, the format of the site eventually changed to providing breaking news and trends articles in the Latino world, as well as serving as a resource center for advertising and marketing professionals serving the Hispanic industry.

Tornoe's has drawn praise from numerous political officials and business leaders for its vast depth of timely and relevant Latino new and has been featured by media including CNN, New York Times, Dan Rather's Reports, National Public Radio, USA Today, Reuters, and many other outlets. Tornoe is also a published author and columnist with numerous marketing and business publications. A native of Guatemala City, Guatemala, Tornoe graduated from Universidad Francisco Marroqiun and received an MBA from E.S.E.A.D.E.


Bloomberg PMI Shows Fall in February Euro Retail Sales

Retailers Wind Down Stocks and Staff Levels as Slump in Sales Continues

Wholesale Prices Indicate Smallest Rise in over Three Years

NEW YORK, Feb. 26 /PRNewswire/ -- The Bloomberg Euro-Zone Retail Purchasing Managers' Index ("PMI(R)"), based on a mid-month survey of more than 1,000 executives in the euro area retail sector, fell from 44.0 in January to 42.3 in February. The results signaled an acceleration in the month-on-month rate of decline in sales revenues, in contrast to the easing seen over the previous two months and indicated a renewed weakening of consumer confidence and high street spending. Sales have now fallen for nine consecutive months.

The latest PMI, which provides data one month ahead of government-issued figures, also showed that single currency area retail sales remained well down on a year ago on a like-for-like basis. The year-on-year sales index slumped from 46.7 in January to 35.5, indicating a sharp acceleration in the rate of decline to a pace that almost matched December's record and reversed the easing seen in January.

Sales fell on both the month-on-month and year-on-year measures in each of the three largest euro countries:

  • Italy continued to see the weakest sales performance of the three countries, with its month-on-month sales index dipping from 38.6 to 38.2 and extending the current sequence of decline to twenty-four months. The rate of decline remained substantially less than that seen through the final quarter of last year.
  • In France, retail sales fell at a five-year survey record pace in February, a marked reverse from the marginal rise seen the previous month. The month-on-month index fell from 50.5 to 42.6 as consumers shunned the high street.
  • Germany registered the smallest drop in retail sales of the three countries, and also saw the rate of decline moderate from the near-record pace seen in January. The month-on-month index for Germany rose from 41.7 to a four-month high of 45.4. Sales in Germany have fallen for nine successive months.

Sales by sector - all sectors reported falling sales, led by household goods

Euro retail sales fell below levels of a year ago for all main product categories in February. The steepest fall was seen for household goods, which posted a record year-on-year deterioration in revenues, followed by clothing & footwear. The smallest decline was reported by food & drink retailers, in contrasting the steep growth recorded in January. Autos & fuel retailers posted the smallest decline for nine months, linked in part to government financial incentives such as the scrap bonus (though the positive effects were reported to have diminished somewhat in France).

Sales against plans - targets missed in all three countries

The sales against targets index fell from 42.1 in January to 35.1, indicating that sales targets were missed by a wide margin and to a greater extent than at the start of 2009 (albeit less than the near-record shortfall seen in December). Targets were missed to greater extents than in January across all three countries, with the greatest disappointment registered in Italy and the smallest shortfall recorded in Germany.

All main product sectors reported that sales had been weaker than planned. Sellers of household goods reported that targets had been missed to the greatest extent, followed by clothing & footwear retailers. The smallest shortfall was seen at autos & fuel retailers.

Expected sales next month - expectations for March broadly neutral

Retailers across the single currency area are neutral in their expectations for meeting targets in March. The expectations index rose from 44.7 to 50.1, indicative of a negligible degree of optimism. The one-month sales outlook varied markedly by country, with positive expectations in France offset by pessimism in both Germany and Italy.

Divergent expectations were also evident according to product sector in February. Retailers of food & drink and autos & fuel are confident of meeting targets in March, contrasting with pessimism in the remaining three sectors covered.

Prices and margins - wholesale prices showed smallest rise for over three years

The rate of inflation of prices paid for goods by retailers fell in February to the lowest since December 2005. The price index dropped from 59.1 to 53.9. Any reading above 50.0 indicates an increase in average wholesale prices. Cost inflation moderated in all three main euro countries, with Italy registering a very modest rise in prices during the month and a record low. A 43-month low was posted in Germany. Prices rose in all product sectors except clothing & footwear, where prices were unchanged since January. The sharpest rise in prices was seen in pharmaceuticals.

The rate at which gross margins at euro-zone retailers deteriorated remained sharp in February, despite easing for the second month running from December's record. The margins index rose from 37.8 to 39.9. Retail profits fell at slower rates in all three countries. Italian retailers again reported the strongest overall decline.

Employment - rate of job losses matched December's record

Euro area retailers cut their employment levels for the eleventh consecutive month in February, with the rate of job losses matching December's five-year survey record. The employment index registered 47.4, from 47.5 in January. All three countries covered reported lower staffing levels, with the sharpest decline again seen in Italy. German retailers continued to shed staff at a marginal rate.

Retailers' buying and stock trends - purchases and stock levels both slumped at record rates

Retailers' stocks of unsold goods fell at the fastest rate yet recorded in the survey's five-year history, reflecting deliberate destocking in the face of falling sales and a bleak economic outlook. Stocks have now fallen for six successive months. The stocks index dropped from 48.3 to 46.9, reflecting record falls in stocks in Italy and France and a further drop in German retail inventories.

The value of goods purchased for resale by euro area retailers also fell at a new record pace in February, down for the seventh straight month. The buying index fell sharply from 43.7 in January to a new low of 40.3. Buying activity declined at sharper rates in both Italy and France (and at a record pace in the latter), while the pace of contraction eased in Germany.

About Bloomberg

Bloomberg is the leading global provider of data, news and analytics. The BLOOMBERG PROFESSIONAL(R) service and Bloomberg's media services provide real-time and archived financial and market data, pricing, trading, news and communications tools in a single, integrated package to corporations, news organizations, financial and legal professionals and individuals around the world. Bloomberg's media services include the global BLOOMBERG NEWS(R) service with more than 2,200 professionals in over 140 bureaus worldwide; the BLOOMBERG TELEVISION(R) 24-hour business and financial network produced and distributed worldwide; and BLOOMBERG RADIO(R) services which provide up-to-the-minute news on XM, Sirius and WorldSpace satellite radio around the world and on WBBR 1130AM in New York. In addition, Bloomberg publishes BLOOMBERG MARKETS(R) magazine and BLOOMBERG PRESS(R) books for investment professionals. For more information please visit


Technology vendors seize opportunity to gain market share, emerge from global crisis stronger at International IC-China Conference & Exhibition

SHENZHEN, China, Feb. 26 /PRNewswire-Asia-FirstCall/ -- Global Sources (Nasdaq: GSOL) announces the opening of the 14th International IC-China Conference & Exhibition (IIC-China, ), the only systems design event in mainland China, at Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center through Feb. 27.

    (Logo: )

    IIC-China is also scheduled to be held in:

    -- Xi'an: March 2-3, Xian Greenland PICO International Convention and
       Exhibition Centre;
    -- Beijing: March 5-6, China World Trade Center; and
    -- Shanghai: March 9-10, Shanghai Mart.

For the third year, IIC-China's Shenzhen, Xi'an and Shanghai venues will also present Components Zone, mainland China's largest electronic components sourcing event.

"Mainland China's electronics exports may have slowed down from the double-digit growth we are used to, but they remain robust. Mainland China is the single largest source of manufactured electronics worldwide. It is an industry driven by both global and domestic demand," said Mark A. Saunderson, President of Global Sources' Electronics Business Unit.

"Recent mainland China government policy is expected to expand demand for consumer electronics in mainland China. The breadth and size of the market, coupled with favorable policy are expected to support the international technology companies that supply this industry.

"With the recent dramatic market changes, electronics manufacturers recognize there is no longer a place for low-price, 'me-too' products. They are now focusing on quality and innovation to survive and prosper.

"Engineers working for these companies must keep apace of latest design possibilities and new technology. Their job depends on inspired design, and inspired design demands new technology -- in a word, innovation; and innovation is what IIC-China is all about.

"At a time when marketing and promotion are key to survival and growth, exhibitors use IIC-China to stand out from the crowd and leapfrog competitors who are pulling back."

Top technology companies keen to penetrate mainland China market

With mainland China ranked as the world's largest IC market, companies like Altium, Analog Devices, Atmel, Fairchild Semiconductor, Intel, Intersil, Maxim, Micrel, Microchip Technology, Microsoft Windows Embedded, NEC Electronics, Numonyx, NXP Semiconductors and Vishay are seizing this opportunity to exhibit their latest products and services to mainland China's engineering community.

Intel China's director of embedded sales and marketing group, Terry Sze, said: "Although the global economic downturn is affecting mainland China, we are glad to see that so many technology manufactures from around the world are still participating at IIC-China -- this provides Intel and our fellow technology companies a great opportunity to network with each other.

"Intel has been promoting the development of industrial and home automation and embedded ecosystem for over 30 years. Today, we work with our business partners and over 3,500 clients on developing innovative IA embedded solutions catering to different applications. The development of embedded Internet, which is expected to connect over 15 billion embedded computing devices by 2015, relies on our constant effort to exchange ideas with our business partners and clients."

IIC-China delivers educational conferences to engineers seeking inspiration

Industry gurus from leading technology companies are scheduled to deliver the latest design theories and application methodology on next-generation communication, embedded systems, automotive electronics and power management technologies.

Companies to host seminars include Actel, Freescale Semiconductor, Fujitsu Microelectronics, Future Technology Devices International (FTDI), Infineon Technologies, International Rectifier and STMicroelectronics.

Saunderson said: "For 14 years, IIC-China has connected great minds, original ideas and new technology. It has helped mainland China evolve from being the world's factory to a power house for technologic innovations. Technology vendors and engineers have always relied on IIC-China as the perfect channel that delivers solutions for them to cope with different challenges every step along the way."

Global Sources' design-to-export solution for Greater China and Asia's electronics industry

IIC-China is an important part of Global Sources' portfolio of electronics industry media and trade show brands. Combining 29 online and 10 print media, plus four events which run 13 times across 11 cities, Global Sources provides Greater China and Asia's electronics industry with end-to-end support - from product conceptualization through to export of finished products.

Global Sources' key electronics industry event brands also include International IC-Taiwan Conference & Exhibition ( ) and China Sourcing Fairs: Electronics and Electronics & Components ( ).

For more information about Global Sources, visit .

About Global Sources

Global Sources is a leading business-to-business media company and a primary facilitator of trade with Greater China. The core business uses English-language media to facilitate trade from Greater China to the world. The other business segment utilizes Chinese-language media to enable companies to sell to, and within Greater China.

The company provides sourcing information to volume buyers and integrated marketing services to suppliers. It helps a community of over 790,000 active buyers source more profitably from complex overseas supply markets. With the goal of providing the most effective ways possible to advertise, market and sell, Global Sources enables suppliers to sell to hard-to-reach buyers in over 240 countries.

The company offers the most extensive range of media and export marketing services in the industries it serves. It delivers information on 4.3 million products and more than 196,000 suppliers annually through 14 online marketplaces, 13 monthly magazines, over 100 sourcing research reports and 11 specialized trade shows which run 32 times a year across 11 cities.

Suppliers receive more than 53 million sales leads annually from buyers through Global Sources Online ( ) alone.

Global Sources has been facilitating global trade for 38 years. Global Sources' network covers more than 69 cities worldwide. In mainland China, Global Sources has over 2,800 team members in more than 44 locations, and a community of over 1 million registered online users and magazine readers for Chinese-language media.

    Global Sources Press Contact in Asia
     Camellia So
     Tel:   +852-2555-5021

    Global Sources Press Contact in U.S.
     James W.W. Strachan
     Tel:   +1-480-664-8309

    Global Sources Investor Contact in Asia
     Investor Relations Department
     Tel:   +852-2555-4777

    Global Sources Investor Contact in U.S.
     Kirsten Chapman & Timothy Dien
     Lippert/Heilshorn & Associates, Inc.
     Tel:   +1-415-433-3777


The Great Rock & Roll Kindle - Free Speech in America Has a Revival

MARIN COUNTY, Calif., Feb. 26 /PRNewswire/ -- When Someone hears that a new product is "endorsed by Oprah," such as Amazon's revolutionary Kindle eBook reading Device, people sometimes automatically assume that a giant Publishing Company is behind the content, and all the works available are only those already selling millions of copies.

One need not be a Bestseller (yet) to join the Ranks of those Who Are.

Thanks to IT companies like the Supremus Group, Independent Writers and publishers can make their Works available on Kindle, in a very simple and affordable fashion.

Free Speech is having a Revival.

Even dead rockstars like Kurt Cobain of Nirvana are being Resurrected on Kindle, in a book being Released by Eternal Youth Empire. The Book, titled

    "220: S I F T I N G
    The Alien Battle Royale
    How we met the Spirit of Kurt Cobain"
    is now available on Kindle
    ( )
    since 2/20/09, Kurt Cobain's birthday.

"220" is a Non-Fiction True Account which deals with the themes of Spiritual Contact, alien encounters, unexplained phenomena such as Stigmata; telepathy, Remote Viewing, and Remote Influencing. It is written by Veronica Grey (aka Fysche) - a credible author who would pass a Lie Detector Test at the not-for-profit Organization Eternal Youth Empire, and an Independent UK based Publishing House Turner Maxwell Books


With the old business model of Publishing Monopolies, such an unusual title with a niche following would have had a Challenge to find Its way onto the Mainstream Book Market.

Now, many companies, such as Supremus Group, make It as Easy as "Point, Click, and Pay". All an Interested Writer or Publisher has to do after Registering their company on Amazon's digital platform is contact someone like Bob Mehta of

    Supremus Group

and Bob would simply have the eBook e-mailed over or uploaded to an ftp server, depending on the size of the File. Then Bob would return with a Quote based on the number of pages, graphics, etc of the book. Once payment is made, the eBook is converted to formats compatible with Kindle and Mobipocket et Voila! Within days an otherwise obscure title is available to the masses in the most Cutting Edge manner.

The added bonus is that eBook conversion rates start at only $69 on, making It an affordable Option for the Independent Artist, such as Eternal Youth Empire, a not-for-profit Organization helmed by motocross hotshot Von Launius, dedicated to bringing wellness and viable age-reversal techniques to the Forefront, with Its Guidebook, "6 Newly Discovered and Never Before Published Secrets to Eternal Youth and Immortality." For more information on these works and / or to find out how You can get Your Work on Kindle, visit the Contact or Links Page on

Other musicians Referenced in the work include Paul Bubbo of the Star Chemists, and JA$*N.!3; actor Jason Lewis and numerous Other Celebrities.


What the Billion Dollar Beauty Industry Does Not Want Leaked: That One Can Actually Reverse Aging for Free by Moving Only to the Right. We Smell a Nobel.

Tired of Putting Money in the Hands of Beauty Corporations for Botox, Pills, Creams, unused Gym Memberships, Plastic Surgery, and / or Counseling to Remain Youthful? Now one does not have to. New Book '6 Newly Discovered and Never Before Published Secrets to Eternal Youth and Immortality' gives FREE and Simple solutions that Truly Reverse the Aging Process so that folks can attain and maintain the Age they Intend to Look and Feel Forever - Guaranteed! Because the Secrets are Free to Test, people only have Health and Vitality to Gain, as the Beauty Industry stands to lose Billions.

SACRAMENTO, Calif., Feb. 25 /PRNewswire/ -- Often times Simplicity is the Best Path. Eternal Youth Empire, a California Based not-for-profit Organization dedicated to health and vitality for the masses, may have Stumbled Upon the Key to Reverse Your Aging Process. Best of all, It is FREE to test the Key, to See that It works. Aside from the low cost of obtaining the Book from their Website, one never has to pay for anything for the Rest of one's Life, to stay Forever Young.

The following Key is the mind-blowing Secret that has never been publicly revealed before in Print, for Free: It is generally accepted that tiny particles called Atoms "make-up" Everything, and that electrons revolve around atoms in a rather Haphazard manner. Eternal Youth Empire discovered over 10 years ago that for some Reason, whenever anything organic decomposes or ages, the Electrons that once rotated Randomly quite suddenly organize Themselves in an orderly fashion and begin Rotating in a leftward, Counter-clockwise motion.

Therefore, aging and Decomposing is a matter of revolving to the left. If you believe that simplicity and elegance are common sense and that nature displays the macrocosm of the microcosm, therefore, if one never rotates to the left, one puts off aging Indefinitely. Basically, if one only moves in rightward clockwise motions, one will stay Youthful Forever.

Members of Eternal Youth Empire have only gone right for over 10 years and their Youthfulness is Credible. Whirling Dervishes and Yogis for centuries have advocated right twirls to stave off aging. A Physical Immortality Interest Group in Orange County, CA led by Lynn and Leo Youngblood have their own set of testimonials from only moving to the Right. Dr. Janni Lloyd of Australia concurs. Her blog on Oprah's website is titled, "Do You Choose Life" and the public is welcome to comment: .

Even UPS has now implemented only Right Turns for their Drivers. Time and gas spent by waiting to turn left is assuaged by going around the entire block by making 3 rights.

The Buck Institute of Aging in Marin County, CA, only one of three such Laboratories in the World and the Only One in the United States, is aware of Eternal Youth Empire's Guide, and have Invited the members of Eternal Youth Empire to visit with Them, which may be an Indication of Endorsement. Nobel can only be Close Behind.

Eternal Youth Empire says, "Try It for Yourself. It is 100% free!" If You ever have to turn left, instead, make a 270 degree turn to the right, like a twirl or pirouette. You will end up facing left as Intended and literally stave off aging forever. You may hear a short Interview for Free regarding this one Key by clicking on This Link: where You can also get In Touch with this not-for-profit Organization.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

R.H. Donnelley to Announce Fourth Quarter and Full Year Results

Release: Thursday March 12, 20097:30 a.m. (ET)

Conference Call: Thursday March 12, 200910:00 a.m. (ET)

CARY, N.C., Feb. 24 /PRNewswire/ -- R.H. Donnelley Corporation (RHDC), one of the nation's leading Yellow Pages and online local commercial search companies, will announce fourth quarter and full year 2008 results on Thursday March 12 at approximately 7:30 a.m. (ET), which will be posted on the company's Web site at The company invites its investors and other interested parties to participate in a conference call at 10:00 a.m. (ET) on the same day to hear commentary regarding its results. David C. Swanson, chairman and CEO, and Steven M. Blondy, executive vice president and CFO, will host the call.


Individuals within the United States can access the call by dialing 888-387-9606 - others should dial 517-645-6055. The pass code for the call is "RHD". In order to ensure a prompt start time, please dial into the call by 9:50 a.m. (ET). A replay of the conference call can be accessed from within the United States by dialing 866-382-4784 and internationally by dialing 203-369-0363. There is no pass code for the replay, which will be available through March 26, 2009. In addition, a live Web cast will be available on RHD's Web site at, and an archived version will be available for up to one year.

Helping Local Businesses Reach More Customers

R.H. Donnelley's interactive offerings are essential to its Triple Play(TM) solution suite -- an integrated set of products and services that efficiently and effectively extend the marketing reach of local businesses. Spanning multiple media platforms -- print Yellow Pages directories, search site and the major search engines (e.g., Yahoo!(R) and Google(R)) via the Company's Dex Search Network(TM) -- Triple Play delivers the advertisements of local businesses to a wider set of ready-to-buy consumers.

About R.H. Donnelley

R.H. Donnelley connects businesses and consumers through its portfolio of print and interactive marketing solutions. Small- and medium-sized businesses look to R.H. Donnelley's experienced team of marketing consultants to help them grow their companies and drive sales leads. Consumers depend on the Company's reliable, local business content to deliver the most relevant search results when they are seeking local goods and services. For more information, visit and


Media Malpractice Documentary to Premiere at National Press Club February 26th

The Hard Hitting Documentary Exposes Unprecedented Mainstream Media Bias in the 2008 Presidential Election

LOS ANGELES, Feb. 24 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- A new feature-length documentary provides the most compelling and comprehensive portrait yet of the unprecedented mainstream media bias and abdication of duty that took place during the 2008 presidential election. The movie, entitled Media Malpractice: How Obama Got Elected and Palin Was Targeted provides a contextual and chronological investigation through the examination of actual media broadcasts from all major news and cable networks.

"This movie shows as clearly as possible that journalism is dead", said John Ziegler, the writer and producer of Media Malpractice. "The level of detail in this production is staggering and it will remind millions of Americans that they were not presented a fair and honest portrait of the 2008 election because the media wanted Obama to win and they did everything in their power to see that Obama got elected."

The movie also includes additional features that have received significant national attention: Election-day interviews with Obama voters gauging their basic knowledge, and the first exclusive on-the-record interview granted by Governor Sarah Palin from her home in Wasilla, AK. This interview detailed her experiences on the campaign, as well as her candid responses - in real time - of several shocking media excerpts from the campaign not previously seen by the Alaska Governor.

In a wide-ranging interview lasting approximately one hour, Media Malpractice captures Gov. Palin's personal reactions to her treatment by the media, including this observation: "What is it that drives someone to believe the worst and perpetuate the worst in terms of gossip and lies?"

At a time when the definitions of "media" are changing, and that the rise of online blogs and the further development of cable news coverage has created a literal 24-7 cycle, Media Malpractice asks important questions about whether Americans have any reason to trust the news media.

"As much as anything else, people need to be concerned that they are being manipulated and misled by the one institution we need to present us the facts and the truth" said Ziegler. "We are all at risk when the media choose sides in something as serious as a presidential election and destroy good people like Sarah Palin because they did not favor her politics."

Media Malpractice filmmaker John Ziegler will discuss and screen his film at a private media event at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. on February 26. The details are as follows:

    Date:       February 26, 2009
    Time:       6:30 pm
    Location:   National Press Club
                529 14th St. NW, 13th Floor
                Washington, DC 20045
    Program:    Ziegler introduces and then screens the film
                Reception to follow

Seating will be limited so please RSVP to For more information on the film, please visit


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Standard & Poor's Announces Changes to U.S. Indices

NEW YORK, Feb. 24 /PRNewswire/ -- Standard & Poor's will make the following changes to the S&P 500, S&P MidCap 400 and S&P SmallCap 600 indices after the close of trading on Tuesday, March 3:

  • S&P MidCap 400 constituent Hormel Foods Corp. (NYSE: HRL) will replace American Capital Ltd. (Nasdaq: ACAS) in the S&P 500, and Trustmark Corp. (Nasdaq: TRMK) will replace Hormel in the S&P MidCap 400. Ventas Inc. (NYSE: VTR) will replace Jones Apparel Group Inc. (NYSE: JNY) in the S&P 500. As of today's close of trading, American Capital and Jones Apparel had market capitalizations of $306 million and $267 million respectively, ranking them 499th and 500th in the index.

  • S&P SmallCap 600 constituent Lennox International Inc. (NYSE: LII) will replace Hovnanian Enterprises Inc. (NYSE: HOV) in the S&P MidCap 400, and Stanley Inc. (NYSE: SXE) will replace Lennox in the S&P SmallCap 600. AECOM Technology Corp. (NYSE: ACM) will replace The PMI Group Inc. (NYSE: PMI) in the S&P MidCap 400. As of today's close of trading, Hovnanian and PMI Group had market capitalizations of $74 million and $64 million, respectively, whereas the minimum market cap needed to be admitted to the S&P MidCap 400 index is currently $750 million.

  • Computer Programs and Systems Inc. (Nasdaq: CPSI) will replace Axcelis Technologies Inc. (Nasdaq: ACLS), and comScore Inc. (Nasdaq: SCOR) will replace Anchor BanCorp Wisconsin Inc. (Nasdaq: ABCW) in the S&P SmallCap 600. As of today's close of trading, Axcelis Technologies and Anchor BanCorp had market capitalizations of $22 million and $19 million respectively, whereas the minimum market cap needed to be admitted to the index is currently $200 million.

Standard & Poor's will monitor these transactions, and post any relevant updates on its website:

Hormel Foods is engaged in the production and marketing of a variety of meat and food products. Headquartered in Austin, MN, the company will be added to the S&P 500 GICS (Global Industry Classification Standard) Packaged Foods & Meats Sub-Industry index.

Ventas is a health care real estate investment trust (REIT). Headquartered in Chicago, IL, the company will be added to the S&P 500 GICS Specialized REITs Sub-Industry index.

Trustmark is a financial services company. Headquartered in Jackson, MS, the company will be added to the S&P MidCap 400 GICS Regional Banks Sub-Industry index.

Lennox International is a provider of climate control solutions. Headquartered in Richardson, TX, the company will be added to the S&P MidCap 400 GICS Building Products Sub-Industry index.

AECOM Technology is a provider of professional technical and management support services. Headquartered in Los Angeles, CA, the company will be added to the S&P MidCap 400 GICS Construction & Engineering Sub-Industry index.

Stanley Inc. is a provider of information technology services and solutions. Headquartered in Arlington, VA, the company will be added to the S&P SmallCap 600 GICS Aerospace & Defense Sub-Industry index.

Computer Programs and Systems is a healthcare information technology company. Headquartered in Mobile, AL, the company will be added to the S&P SmallCap 600 GICS Health Care Technology Sub-Industry index.

comScore provides a digital marketing intelligence platform that helps customers make business decisions and implement digital business strategies. Headquartered in Reston, VA, the company will be added to the S&P SmallCap 600 GICS Internet Software & Services Sub-Industry index.

Following is a summary of the changes:

                              S&P 500 INDEX  -  March 3, 2009


    ADDED    Hormel Foods     Consumer Staples       Packaged Foods & Meats

               Ventas            Financials             Specialized REITs

    DELETED  American Capital    Financials        Asset Management & Custody

             Jones Apparel       Consumer       Apparel, Accessories & Luxury
                                Discretionary                 Goods

                          S&P MIDCAP 400 INDEX  -   March 3, 2009


    ADDED    Trustmark           Financials             Regional Banks

             Lennox Int'l        Industrials           Building Products

               AECOM             Industrials       Construction & Engineering

    DELETED   Hormel Foods     Consumer Staples      Packaged Foods & Meats

             Hovnanian      Consumer Discretionary        Homebuilding

             PMI Group           Financials        Thrifts & Mortgage Finance

                         S&P SMALLCAP 600 INDEX  -   March 3, 2009


    ADDED      Stanley           Industrials         Aerospace & Defense

               Computer           Health Care        Health Care Technology

               comScore    Information Technology    Internet Software &

    DELETED  Lennox Int'l        Industrials            Building Products

             Anchor Bancorp      Financials        Thrifts & Mortgage Finance

               Axcelis      Information Technology    Semiconductor Equipment

Additions to and deletions from an S&P equity index do not in any way reflect an opinion on the investment merits of the companies concerned.

About Standard & Poor's Index Services

Standard & Poor's Index Services, the world's leading index provider, maintains a wide variety of investable and benchmark indices to meet an array of investor needs. Its family of indices includes the S&P 500, an index with $1.5 trillion invested and $4.85 trillion benchmarked, and the S&P Global 1200, a composite index comprised of seven regional and country headline indices. For more information, please visit

About Standard & Poor's

Standard & Poor's, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE: MHP), is the world's foremost provider of financial market intelligence, including independent credit ratings, indices, risk evaluation, investment research and data. With approximately 8,500 employees, including wholly owned affiliates, located in 23 countries and markets, Standard & Poor's is an essential part of the world's financial infrastructure and has played a leading role for more than 140 years in providing investors with the independent benchmarks they need to feel more confident about their investment and financial decisions. For more information, visit


New Report from NanoMarkets Foresees Continued Growth in the Zinc Oxide Electronics Market

GLEN ALLEN, Va., Feb. 24 /PRNewswire/ -- According to a new report from NanoMarkets, LC an industry analyst firm based, here, devices and materials based on zinc oxide (ZnO) are expected to create major new opportunities for the electronics industry over the next few years ranging from enhanced antistatic coatings to high-value-added products such as solid-state lighting and display backplanes. The report predicts that revenues from the leading ZnO-related electronics applications will reach about $860 million ($US) in 2012, rising to $2.3 billion in 2016. The new NanoMarkets study stresses that despite the economic recession, ZnO electronics will generate new business revenues, because it addresses real world problems in a cost effective way.

Additional details about the report can be found on the firm's website at

Key findings of the report:

  • ZnO applications in electronics today are dominated by mature applications with well over 90 percent of revenues coming from conductive and optical coatings, varistors and older gas sensor technology. However, NanoMarkets predicts that by 2016, new applications for ZnO will make up well over 60 percent. These applications will include PV electrodes, Zn-based light-emitting diodes (LEDs,) backplanes for OLED and other displays, and novel kinds of gas, UV and biosensors.

  • NanoMarkets sees the development of ZnO semiconductor devices as providing the largest opportunity for ZnO electronics over the next few years. ZnO LEDs are expected to radically lower the cost of LEDs for general illumination applications and projected to reach around $250 million in sales by 2013. ZnO TFT backplanes for OLED are projected as a key future enabler of the OLED displays, since they can outperform organic and a-Si TFTs and cost less than polysilicon TFTs. Even if the current intensive search for p-type ZnO semiconductors fails to bear fruit, opportunities will remain for hybrid devices that combine ZnO with other materials such as gallium nitride.

  • ZnO electronics also holds out the promise of fully transparent displays and windows that turn into lighting panels at night. And although NanoMarkets is skeptical about some of the more fanciful expectations for "transparent" electronics, the new report discusses how transparent LEDs could have an immediate revenue generating impact on the display industry.

About the Report:

NanoMarkets' report, "Markets for Zinc Oxide in Electronics" analyzes and quantifies opportunities for ZnO devices and coatings in the electronics industries. Coverage includes the latest R&D and commercialization efforts in the areas of EMI/RFI, UV and antistatic coatings as well as the full range of ZnO-based devices including varistors and power electronics devices, piezoelectric sensors, solid-state UV sources, ZnO LEDs and ZnO TFTs, ZnO electrodes for PV, etc. The report also analyzes the prospects for ZnO nanostructures in electronics and the role of ZnO in spintronics and it profiles some of the leading players in this space at the present time including firms such as Canon, Casio, Cermet, Idemitsu, LG Electronics, Nanovation, Samsung, Sharp, Tokyo Denpa, Toppan Printing, ZnOrdic and ZN Technology. As with all NanoMarkets reports, this study includes an eight-year forecast, with a break out by ZnO application.

About NanoMarkets:

NanoMarkets tracks and analyzes emerging market opportunities in electronics created by developments in advanced materials. The firm has published numerous reports related to organic, thin film and printable electronics materials and applications and maintains a blog at that comments on industry trends and events. Visit for a full listing of NanoMarkets' reports and other services.


Deep Web Technologies Welcomes New COO and Corporate Counsel

SANTA FE, N.M., Feb. 24 /PRNewswire/ -- Deep Web Technologies ( has announced that Larry Donahue recently joined its executive staff as Chief Operating Officer (COO) and Corporate Counsel. Larry brings over 15 years of direct leadership experience to Deep Web Technologies, combining a broad range of strategic planning, financial and legal expertise with a specific focus on software marketing. In his new role, Larry will advise on legal matters while driving the organization forward with a practical, attentive management style.

Larry is licensed to practice law in the State of New Mexico and the State of Illinois. He is a registered patent attorney, has contributed to multiple Internet-focused publications and has presented on topics associated with cyber communication, the Internet and computer technology, both from a legal and technical standpoint. Larry commented on his position, "I'm excited with the possibilities of Deep Web Technologies. They have perfected the concept of 'federated search,' and I believe the company is well-positioned to take the traditional concept of 'search' to the next phase: It gives the power of deep, inaccessible or fee-based information to people and organizations."

Deep Web Technologies recently launched the first two of a number of vertically focused portals: the highly successful Biznar (, a deep web business research website; and Mednar (, a vertical search engine for medical professionals. Both search engines are publicly available and showcase Deep Web Technologies' advanced federated search technology, extending an ease-of-use and the power to find content not normally indexed by the popular search engines, such as Google, Yahoo! and others. "Federated Search by Deep Web Technologies surfaces deep web information for a variety of users who might otherwise be unaware of the source or the information's availability, creating a single, real-time search capability," remarked Larry. "This is particularly important considering the large interest in the deep web, and the hunt for optimized methods to search it."

Larry believes federated search will become increasingly important in the enterprise, and will tap his 20+ years in information technology to help bring Deep Web Technologies into the corporate enterprise environment.

Larry's career includes over 20 years of Internet business development and information technology management. As COO and Corporate Counsel for SpaBoom, providers of instant gift certificate functionality, Larry provided business development, project management, operations and customer service experience and support helping SpaBoom become one of the fastest growing technology companies in the industry. Prior to SpaBoom, Larry managed FatCow Web Hosting services, leading them to profitable, triple-digit growth rates. Larry has held leading positions with Baker Robbins & Company and Leapnet, Inc.

Founder and CEO Abe Lederman said, "We are thrilled to have Larry join our team. Larry immediately impressed us as having strong credentials, an engaging personality and the vision for things done right."

To learn more about Deep Web Technologies and its Explorit Research Accelerator(TM), please visit

About Deep Web Technologies

Deep Web Technologies ( creates custom, sophisticated federated search solutions for clients who demand precise, accurate results. Federated search performs real-time, parallel searches of multiple information sources, merging the results into one page. Serving Fortune 500 companies, the Alliance (, the U.S. Department of Energy, the Defense Technical Information Center, (, ( and a variety of research and library alliances, Deep Web Technologies has built a reputation as the "researcher's choice" for its advanced, agile information discovery tools.

    Media contact:

    Darcy Pedersen or 505-820-0301 x233

This release was issued through eReleases(TM). For more information, visit


Babylon Ltd., the International Leading Provider of Translation and Dictionary Software Company, Ranks No. 1 and Took the "TopTenREVIEWS Gold Award"

NEW YORK, February 24 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Babylon LTD (TASE: BBYL), a world leading provider of online and offline dictionary and translation solutions, has ranked No. 1 in the review of the 2009 translation software carried out by TopTen Reviews and ranked above the competition and took the "TopTenREVIEWS Gold Award" .

Babylon continues to improve its services with dictionaries in over 75 languages, full text translation, which provides its customers with real-time text translations in 31 languages with over 350 language pairs, and offers its users a wide range of premium dictionaries and encyclopedias from renowned publishers around the globe, such as, Oxford, Merriam Webster, Britannica, Larousse, Langenscheidt, Pons Taishukan, Michaelis and more. All in a single click!

"With the right combination of accuracy, features and affordability, Babylon swept past the competition and took the "TopTenREVIEWS Gold Award" in our review of translation software. Simply put, Babylon is the best translator which also has the best compatibility with other programs. It's a no-brainer." TopTenReviews Editor's Review.

"Babylon packs all its features into a small window that doesn't block your view of other windows. This small design doesn't block your view of the other programs you are using, which is essential because Babylon is designed to translate as you work without disrupting you." the Editor's Review continues.

"Babylon simply does it better than the competition. It has greater accuracy, more languages, better features, numerous references and dictionaries and a simple, compact interface. Babylon will be able to do anything you need it to." concludes the Editor's Review.

About Babylon Ltd. (TASE: BBYL) is a leading provider of online dictionary and translation solutions. The user base exceeds 50 million desktop installations. Babylon sold more than 2 Million licenses of the software to private users and organizations in more than 200 countries.

    For more information about Babylon, visit

    Press contact:

    Dalia Preisler
    Babylon Ltd.
    Tel: +972-3-5382148


CDMdata, Inc. Recognized as Crucial to Online Success

National Car Sales Named Used Car Dealer of the Year with Company's Products and Services as Platform

IRVINE, Calif., Feb. 24 /PRNewswire/ -- CDMdata, Inc., a Kelley Blue Book company, today announces that National Car Sales, named's Used Car Dealer of the Year for 2009, has recognized the company for its support in receiving this award through CDMdata products and services. CDMdata provides National Car Sales with its DigitalLot(R) Solution, allowing dealerships to more effectively manage and market its pre-owned car inventories, and hosts National Car Sales' Web site inventory display with its DigitalLot Web product. In addition, National Car Sales integrated trusted Kelley Blue Book(R) Suggested Retail and Trade-In Values to its Web site to instill consumer confidence when purchasing a vehicle.

"We know how imperative it is to provide extensive information to customers researching inventories online. Considering the volume of monthly retail sales, we searched for vendor partners that provide products and services with the level of quality and automation that allow us to control our own destiny and success," said David Pilcher, executive vice president of National Car Sales. "CDMdata has been at the core of this strategy for more than seven years. Their technology and support has enabled us to achieve success and provide award winning customer service."

CDMdata's DigitalLot Solution captures and displays photos, creates videos, provides Kelley Blue Book(R) Digital Window Stickers and values, and promotes dealership inventories online faster, resulting in more sales. Consumers benefit from enhanced, accurate vehicle information while dealerships leverage a decreased time to market for their Web site and online classifieds.

"CDMdata is thrilled National Car Sales has been recognized as's Used Car Dealer of the Year for 2009," said Mike Romano, chief operating officer for CDMdata, Inc., and senior vice president of dealer strategy for Kelley Blue Book. "We continuously strive to provide dealers with the most efficient marketing tools for selling cars. We are proud to be part of National Cars Sales' success."

For more information about Kelley Blue Book and CDMdata, dealer products, services and solutions, please visit For more information about DealerRater, please visit

About CDM Dealer Services and CDMdata, Inc. (

CDMdata, Inc. provides unparalleled technology and industry-leading service to the automotive industry. CDMdata, Inc. solutions increase client revenues by increasing productivity and data accuracy. CDM provides proprietary hardware and software solutions that streamline inspection, valuation, distribution, marketing and Internet sales processes. CDM's flagship product is the DigitalLot Solution, which provides automotive dealers with the hardware and software they need to manage the collection and distribution of automotive information over the Internet. CDMdata, Inc. is a Kelley Blue Book company. CDM Dealer Services is a wholly-owned subsidiary of CDMdata, Inc.

About Kelley Blue Book (

Since 1926, Kelley Blue Book, The Trusted Resource(R), has provided vehicle buyers and sellers with the new and used vehicle information they need to accomplish their goals with confidence. The company's top-rated Web site,, provides the most up-to-date pricing and values, including the New Car Blue Book(R) Value, which reveals what people actually are paying for new cars. The company also reports vehicle pricing and values via products and services, including software products and the famous Blue Book(R) Official Guide. According to the C.A. Walker Research Solutions, Inc. - 2008 Spring Automotive Web Site Usefulness Study, is the most useful automotive information Web site among new and used vehicle shoppers, and half of online vehicle shoppers visit is a leading provider of new car prices, car reviews and news, used car blue book values, auto classifieds and car dealer locations. No other medium reaches more in-market vehicle shoppers than

About was founded in 2002 as the first car dealer review website worldwide. is committed to providing a central collection point for informative reviews. The site currently features more than 24,000 US and International car dealers and more than 65,000 user reviews. provides the opportunity for users to search for car dealerships, read current reviews, write their own review, and find car deals - all for free. Car dealers are rated on the criteria of customer service, quality of work, friendliness, price and overall experience. users also have the option to recommend the dealer to other users and provide a descriptive review. Website users and car dealerships may post free auto classified ads. visitors may request vehicle quotes and Certified Dealers receive free vehicle leads.


Monday, February 23, 2009

CustomGuide Releases SharePoint 2007 Training

MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. 23 /PRNewswire/ -- CustomGuide, a leading provider of business and computer training, today announced the release of SharePoint 2007 training, in both Interactive Online Tutorial and Print-On-Demand Courseware formats.

CustomGuide's Online SharePoint training is fully interactive and simulates the experience of actually using SharePoint, and the Print-On-Demand Courseware saves instructors time by not having to write the training materials themselves.

CustomGuide's SharePoint training includes some of the following topics:

  • Introduction to SharePoint 2007
  • Managing and working with lists
  • Working with Libraries
  • Working with Blogs, Wikis, and Workspaces
  • Using SharePoint with Microsoft Office
  • Managing Sites

"SharePoint has become a critical collaboration tool in today's workplace," said Jon High, president of CustomGuide. "CustomGuide's SharePoint training improves user knowledge, productivity, and proficiency with this popular application."

Managers and trainers can learn more about CustomGuide SharePoint training at

Through interactive online training and assessments, CustomGuide helps organizations measure and improve the essential business and computer skills of their users for success in today's workplace. CustomGuide is based in Minneapolis, MN; their Website is

    Contact Information:

    Melissa Findley

This release was issued through eReleases(TM). For more information, visit


CoreNet Global Asia Summit Continues to Attract Industry Leaders

HONG KONG, Feb. 23 /PRNewswire-Asia/ -- CoreNet Global today announced that it has expanded its top-tier line up of speakers and participants for its 2009 Asia Summit scheduled to take place next month on March 25-26 at the Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel.

Cited as a must-attend event for corporate real estate executives across the region, the Summit is attracting practitioners, academics and policy makers to debate and discuss the ramifications of the global credit crunch on the commercial realty sector, as well as emerging models and strategies for addressing the challenges that have arisen as a result of the financial economic meltdown.

Mr. Tai Kin Ip, Deputy Director of Economic Services for the Government of the Macau SAR, joins a 'who's who's' line up of speakers that include:

    -- Yuwa Hedrick-Wong, Economic Advisor for MasterCard;
    -- Bruce Richards, National Portfolio Manager, Australia Post;
    -- Izumi Yamamoto, Japan and Korea Regional Manager Work Environments, Sun
    -- John A. Cooper, Deputy General Manager IT and Operations, Bank Muscat;
    -- Caroline Burns, Regional Leader Asia, Geyer;
    -- Bridget Hardy, Head of High Performing Property Strategy and
       Implementation, Office of Government Commerce, United Kingdom;
    -- Christian Costabel, Senior Vice President, Siemens Building Technology;
    -- Meng-Chew Ching, Head of Real Estate APAC/China, Workplace Resources,
    -- Scott Dorn, Corporate Properties and Services U.S., General Electric;
    -- Neil Austin, Global Head of Real Estate Strategy, ABN Amro;
    -- Pratap Mane, VP Corporate Real Estate, J.P. Morgan Chase;
    -- Mike Zamora, Senior Manager Asia & Pacific Regions, Cisco;
    -- Ricky Yang, Regional Real Estate Manager, BP Asia Pacific Pte Ltd;
    -- Barry Varcoe, Director Group Property, Royal Bank of Scotland;
    -- Ron Herbst, Head of Energy Management and Sustainability, Deutsche

Joining as Platinum, Gold and Silver sponsors are Colliers International, Haworth, Johnson Controls, Jones Lang LaSalle, Ascendas, CB Richard Ellis, RMZ, Cresa Partners, Microsoft, Qube Global Software, Steelcase and Toronto Unlimited.

In addition, the event has also attracted senior executives from global organizations including Chevron; Exxon Mobil; Generic Electric; Google; Hindustan Unilever; JP Morgan Chase; Morgan Stanley; Pfizer; Prudential Corporation; Shell and Sony Pictures Entertainment.

Commenting on this year's Macau Summit, Ms.Melanie Hill, CoreNet Global's Vice President for Asia and EMEA expressed that the association was extremely encouraged by the level of interest in the event, including the wide range of industry sectors that will be represented.

With a sluggish business outlook and frozen credit markets worldwide, Ms. Hill notes that the corporate real estate divisions of many organizations are currently having to re-think and in some cases restructure their business plans to address issues relevant to today's economy.

According to Ms. Hill a particular highlight of the event will be a jointly organized survey by CoreNet Global and Microsoft that will examine the number of companies that in response to current economic conditions, are having to implement alternative workplace strategies. The survey will also include a special review of the latest technological solutions that workplaces are implementing.

As part of its Master of Corporate Real Estate (MCR) Professional Development Series, CoreNet Global will also be presenting in conjunction with the Summit, a special module entitled 'Creating Corporate Value through Workplace Strategy' which delegates who are enrolled in the course may elect to attend as part of their annual training objectives.

To learn more about the Summit, please contact Ms. Eleanor Estacio on (1) 404 589 3217 /, Ms. Jennifer Gao on (8621) 6122 1251 /, or alternatively, please visit . Early registration discounts offering a saving on the conference pass will expire on February 27, 2009.

About CoreNet Global

CoreNet Global members manage US$ 1.2 trillion in worldwide corporate assets consisting of owned and leased office, industrial and other space. With 7,000 members representing large corporations around the world, CoreNet Global ( ) operates in five regions: Asia, Australia, EMEA, Latin America and North America, including Canada.


     Jennifer Gao,
     CoreNet Global
     Tel:    +86-21-6122-1251
     Mobile: +86-138-1771-0822

     Janet Middlemiss,
     JEM Worldwide
     Tel:    +852-2857-3832
     Mobile: +852-9195-7829


Brand New FREE Digital Life-coaching Magazine for Women Provides Timely, Practical, 'Life-Stimulus' Resource in Challenging Times -

ATLANTA, Feb. 23 /PRNewswire/ -- ZAKAR Magazine launches this week providing women with a resource for personal empowerment and growth in these tough social times. ZAKAR, published by Jennifer Keitt (, founder and host of the nationally syndicated radio show, Today's Black Woman, is loaded with practical articles on information pertinent to a woman's daily life, from emotional well-being, career success, financial empowerment, dating, mating and relating to self- care and fitness.

ZAKAR introduces to women its exclusive Z-Coaches, who team up with them to bring a sense of balance and hope for empowered living. Because of the publication's convenient digest size, women will literally be able to carry their coaches and life empowerment around with them in their purses and planners!

"Women are struggling now more than ever with the recent collapse of our economy and societal chaos that we have been plunged into and they are in dire need of powerful personal growth tools and resources to help them stabilize, bringing back a sense of well-being and wholeness into their lives. We're offering them hope, encouragement, coping strategies and focused thought that they can literally download and carry with them at all times," Keitt said.

As founder and host of Today's Black Woman Radio Show (, Keitt has invested almost twenty years in empowering women globally who want the best out of their lives. "I am committed to women and our lives, making sure that we have the resources, personal growth tools, strategies, and urgent support, ensuring that we all become and stay "recession-proof," she declares.

ZAKAR is one more resource in a growing bundle of empowerment tools Keitt offers to women. Her goal is to empower, educate, equip and encourage women in what Keitt calls the 7 key areas of a woman's life: spiritual, emotional, physical, financial, relational, occupation and self-esteem. ZAKAR speaks the language of today's real women in a way that makes them feel safe, secure and empowered to return to their lives.

The premiere digital issue of ZAKAR is being distributed FREE and is available online at To order printed copies call 678.569.2407.

For almost two decades Jennifer Keitt has been empowering, educating, equipping and encouraging women through her nationally syndicated radio show, Today's Black Woman. She is now releasing her latest personal empowerment tool for women: ZAKAR MAGAZINE! For further information, please contact us at 404-314-4646.

This press release was issued through For further information, visit


Bestofmedia Group's Online Traffic for Tech Sites Doubled in the US

Popularity of Tom's Hardware, Tom's Guide and Tom's Games Continue to Surge Worldwide

LOS ANGELES, Feb. 23 /PRNewswire/ -- Bestofmedia Group, one of the world's leading online media publishing companies for technology, consumer electronics and computer gaming, reports significant increases in online traffic worldwide. The number of unique visitors has doubled in the United States. (Source: XiTi, Dec. 2008 compared to Dec. 2007).

Bestofmedia Group online brands include Tom's Hardware (, Tom's Guide (,, Tom's Games (, and other leading web publications. During the past 12 months, the company has been expanding its premium content and services to readers. In addition to offering consumer-focused content, Bestofmedia Group has expanded into providing technology business content for the IT professional on both Tom's Hardware and Tom's Guide. Tom's Guide, which has grown to 6.4 million unique visitors, now also offers free online IT technical support. On Tom's Games there are now over 5,000 online games that visitors can play for free.

"One of the major contributing factors for the phenomenal increase in unique visitors is our decision to extend our premium content offerings," said Antoine Boulin, CEO of Bestofmedia LLC, the US subsidiary of Bestofmedia Group. "These strategic decisions have proven to be successful in growing our audience."

In addition to the increase in unique visitors in the US, online traffic has also surged worldwide for Bestofmedia Group. The number of unique visitors has more than doubled in United Kingdom. There was a 60% increase in Germany, 50% increase in Italy and 10% increase in France (Source: XiTi, Dec. 2008 compared to Dec. 2007).

About Bestofmedia Group (

Bestofmedia Group ( is one of the top-three online media publishing companies for technology in the world with over 30 million readers a month. It is the publisher of Tom's Hardware (, Tom's Guide (, Tom's Games ( and other leading web publications. Bestofmedia Group provides real-time technology product reviews, forums, news, technical support, and information to millions of IT professionals, technology decision makers, business executives, consumers, corporate buyers, industry analysts, tech enthusiasts and purchasing influencers. Bestofmedia LLC is headquartered in Culver City, California and is owned by Bestofmedia Group.

Media Relations: Tel. +1 (858) 764-2646, CompassCross ( for Bestofmedia Group
