Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Gingrich Has Not and Will Not Endorse Any Candidate for RNC Chairman

WASHINGTON, Jan. 28 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich released the following clarifying statement today in reaction to erroneous reports that he was supporting a candidate in the RNC Chairman's race:

"Contrary to recent reports, I have not and will not endorse any candidate in the RNC Chairman's race. There are a number of candidates in the race whom I believe will make excellent chairman. I look forward to collaborating where possible with whoever assumes the post."

Gingrich also laid out principles that should guide the actions of the Republican National Committee over the next two years.

"In a time when America is facing real challenges, we should be rooting for an incoming President to succeed in meeting them.

"This means that Republicans should be willing to work with President-elect Obama when he is right. And when he is wrong, Republicans must make it a point not just to oppose him, but to offer a better solution.

"When Republicans have the creativity to be positive and solutions-oriented; When Republicans have the courage to stand by the center-right principles they share with most Americans; When Republicans work aggressively to listen to the American people and regain their trust; When and if Republicans do these things, they will transform themselves from the opposition party to the 21st century, solutions-oriented party for a majority of Americans."

    Rick Tyler
    Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich